Join the Ucomment IFollow movement

Written by Basis-Consultant on 6:50 PM

When i comment on a blog i want it to be useful to time and worth of my time so that i can bring extra traffic to my site. Many of the blogger templates have this "NOFOLLOW" inserted in code for "comments" to prevent spam (which no longer works). This discourages comments. Many beginners get frustrated due to lack of comments (which is one of their main source of motivation, but writing passionately will make your blog popular anyway). You should join U comment I Follow movement. Go to your HTML source code in the blog (goto layout ----> edit html & check Expand Widget templates button).

Now search for NOFOLLOW word in your source code and remove rel='nofollow' where ever it appear. Now the visitors who comment on your blog get a back link to their blog by which the google & other search engine bots can crawl to their blog. Also display a badge (get one form here UComment IFollow Badges) on your blog which tells your visitors that commenting on your blog is beneficial .

But there are other views. Most of the big blogs keep this nofollow attribute to prevent spam by humans... Read my post about Ifollow bandwagoon for beginners?

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  1. 3 comments: Responses to “ Join the Ucomment IFollow movement ”

  2. By Anonymous on October 22, 2008 at 3:03 AM

    i just say thank u for u, i follow your blog, my english is not good to say something
    about yuor blog but i am good to reading :)

  3. By Anonymous on December 27, 2008 at 12:06 PM

    Thanks very nice blog.

    psikoteknik raporu

  4. By Pimp Profile on March 11, 2010 at 10:28 PM

    Nice stuff indeed! These are really wonderful thoughts on SEO.