Written by Basis-Consultant on 4:28 PM
As you blog is growing you need to get an sitemeter to calculate the no of visits to your blog. Do it need a sitemeter or stats service? Yes. The more people visit your blog the more you will be motivated to write. What is the service to use for blog statistics?
I like statcounter but it is limited to lest 500 visit only. My site gets large no of visits and i need more detailed statistics. Blogpatrol does give you a good service in which it tracks all the vistor stats of last 7 days.
click on this
button .Here are the list of stats you will see in statistics pages.
Summary Just gives you the no of visits, page loads and returning visitors to your site.
- Visits:- No of people visited your site
- Page loads:- No of pages has been loaded in your site. When a visitor visits your website he/she views many pages. Suppose i have viewed 3 pages of your site then no of visits is 1 & page loads is 3.
- Returning Visitors:- People who are returning to your site
Popular Pages:-
Here are the most popular pages of your blog. You can use this information to see which pages are popular and which are not so that you can increase the quality of content on those less popular pages or link to them from most popular pages
Entry Pages:-
This shows the pages through which the visitor enters your blog.
Exit Pages:-
These are the pages through which the visitors leaves your blog
Came From (or Referrers):-
This is one of the most important statistics. You can measure the referrers or which site is redirecting traffic to your site. Suppose if you find that visits came from a forum then you just goto that forum, search for relevant posts or section and post some answers or posts there. You will get free traffic from them. Remember to link to your blog in your signature.
Keyword Analysis:-
Again this is one of the most important statistics. If you run out of ideas what to write on, analyze these keywords. These are the keywords with which the visitors get your site through Search Engine. Search for keywords for which your visitors donot find any information on the blog and write on it. It will be of very good use.
Recent Keyword Activity:-
This just gives you the summary of keywords for last few hours or the last day.
Recent Came From:-
This just gives you the recent referrals to your blog.
Search Engine Wars:-
This gives you which search engine gives or bringing more traffic to your site. Most of the time it will be Google.Getting indexed in Google is in one task and getting indexed in others is another separate task
Visitor Paths
This gives you how the visitor behaves on your site. Which other pages he/she has visiting after the entry page.
Visit Length
This is also one of most important info. This gives you how interesting your blog is or how much time a visitors spends on your blog. The more time he spends on your blog the more targeted traffic you are bringing.
Returning Visits:-
This gives you the no of visitor returning to your site after their first visit. This is a also a good measure of how interesting your site is.
Recent Pageload Activity:-
This gives you the pages visited by your recent visitors.
Recent Visitor Activity:-
This gives full details of your recent visitor page loads. referrers etc..
Recent Visitor Map:-
This gives you the location of your recent visitors. This is also one of important resource. If you have large no of visitors from USA or Europe you will have high earning for your CPM ads.
Same as above but gives summarized report of all visitors.
This stats is very important. This comes in handy for you when designing your blog or introducing new functionality. From the browser stats you will know the types of browsers your visitors are using and have to test your blog on all of these browser for universal compatibility
System Stats or Resolution:-
This is also an important factor which you have to keep in mind when designing your blog. It must me compatiable with all resolutions which are shown in this statistics. You should not loose your visitors just for incompatibility of resolution or browser
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